Parthiban is known for his creative abilities and innovative ideas. Though it goes overboard sometimes he has been consistently popular among his fellow men and woman.
Recently Parthiban wrote to the Finance Minister of India to consider one of his novel ideas for the benefit of the country’s exchequer.
The idea he suggested was to release Collector’s Edition of coins in the value of the upcoming New Year. That is at the end of the year 2011, he wants the government to mint coins bearing the emblem India 2012 in the value of Rs. 2012.
He feels that people would buy them either in their personal collection or to gift them as New Year Souvenirs. According to Parthiban, if 25% of the Indian population and 50% of the NRI population only buy these coins even then that will be a phenomenal additional income to the government treasury.
A real novel Idea indeed. What say folks? Hope the Indian government considers Parthiban’s suggestion.