"The folks who put him on the Globes have no right to complain," Tweets Larry King; Jon Stewart jokes he’s "offended that a comedian could be that funny."
Celebs have come to Ricky Gervais' defense after he was criticized as a Golden Globes host.
Twittered Larry King Monday -- the same day HFPA president Philip Berk told Gervais was "crossed the line" : "The folks who put him on the Globes have no right to complain about Ricky Gervais. He does what he does. Why should it surprise them? You agree?"
30 Rock actress Elizabeth Banks wrote: "I thought RG was hilarious. Actors can take it. We have thick skins."
Jon Stewart quipped on his Comedy Central show Monday, "[I'm] offended that a comedian could be that funny at an awards show."
Damon Lindelof, a writer for Lost, which Gervais skewered on the show, Twittered, "In case you forgot what made David Brent so brilliant, it's that he made us feel unsafe, uncomfortable and unable to look away. BRAVORICKY." (David Brent is Gervais' character on The Office.)
The Social Network star Andrew Garfield said, "He's been terribly nasty and horribly rude and I think he's genius."
Christian Bale: “Thank God for comedians. I’m hoping he’s going to keep going further.”
The Big Bang Theory’s Jim Parsons: "He started with a bang and went right for the jugular. It was great! I thought he was really funny. It's like he walked up to the edge, and then he jumped right on over and didn't look back. I was scandalized, I tell you. I think he's hilarious and funny and whenever you're funny, you're gonna push some people's buttons. I thought he was hilarious, but I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end, I can tell you that. I was laughing while thinking, 'Oh, God. Not me, never me.'"
Al Pacino: "He’s a comic, so he’s going to go for it. He’s letting it go. You don’t know what [he's] going to say!"
Glee’s Heather Morris: "I thought he was hysterical. He was so dry. He's funny as hell."
Relativity CEO Ryan Kavanaugh: "He was hilarious. I thought he was just perfect. If he knocked me, it’s all in good fun. If we take ourselves too seriously, then what are we doing here? He makes us realize that we are all here for reasons that go between skill and luck. Let’s enjoy it."